To all:
Thank you for your concern these past 6 months or so. I have received an outpouring of support and concern expressed by e-mail and personal visit since the abrupt TEMPORARY silencing of this blog. Your kind words are very much appreciated.
The truth is, I was accosted and relocated multiple times after a recent post, and have spent the summer so far seeking out safe places to make arrangements. To start, I want to let everyone know that I am alright, and will continue to run this blog as long as I am able. It may be less frequent than it once was, and it may be some time before I feel safe enough to begin again with any regularity, but I feel it is important and will continue to do so as long as I can. Actually, if the events of the previous six months have taught me anything, it is just how powerful, moving and inspiring this blog can be--"life changing", in the words of some--and I have made a solemn vow to continue it. And, if I am am ever unable to proceed myself, it will now continue in my absence. More on that in a minute.
Allow me to start at the beginning. I've been marginally aware of a group of transient highbrows who are not pleased with the publication of this blog, and the blatant introduction of our life-style to the "carpet walkers" of the world.
However, until recently, it was only the occasional e-mail or writ note conveyed through a Messenger Man that ever communicated the notion that my forum here was unappreciated (a "you better quit it or else" sort of thing). Essentially harmless.
That is, until my post dated 07 January of this year.
I'm sure most of the regulars are well aware of the post I am referring to. I alluded to some Rail Men language, phrases and ideas that some consider sacred and not for public consumption.
I will not get into details as to what transpired shortly after the publishing of that post, but there are two things you need to know. I am still here, and this blog remains. In fact, I am proud to say that very post still remains. I did nothing wrong and will not be censored.
Fret not, friends, I will be fine. And I have put a multiple-layer structure in place to ensure the proper protection of this forum in the event of my inability to operate it. This is much too important, I have found, to allow it to be so susceptible to the whims of hobo elitist bullies.
As my good friend frequently says, "keep the flame, my brothers". The road of the righteous is not always an easy stride.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
Blog Title Card

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Turkey & Rice Day!
I happened upon a troop of wild turkeys making their way across the way north part of Brain-Bridge Road today. I selected a nice, fat one with a gimp and will be enjoying boiled turkey and rice tonight! Yum, yum! It's too bad I didn't happen upon this plump squawker back in November!
In solidarity,
Train Tom
In solidarity,
Train Tom
Monday, January 7, 2013
Ode to the Rails
There's really nothing like a day spent on the rails. A hobo gathering under a bridge is one thing, but a to see a throng of Train Men gathered near a roundhouse or movie-it-or-lose-it dredge encapsulates the feeling of brotherhood in this old vagrant's mind.
The wind in my hair, the sun at my back, fresh air in my lungs and my treasures in a knap-sack. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
The tattoos, the hand-signs, the language, the feeling of familiarity and family. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
The food, the fresh mountain water, the arid desert wind, the bubbling Tommo Gravy. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
The dank smell of a comfortable old box-car, the warmth, a hint of old grain and molasses Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
A new bed every night, a new sunrise every morn'. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
To my Train Men brothers out there, I shall join you again soon--if only for a short visit. In the meantime, take this sentiment to heart:
Ah buckskin hard -t- ah malama day for the eighteenth double-toot pulling Aces all night long til the red red morning Sauce!
I have to think a few of you can understand such treasured old lingo!
To the rest of you, who prefer the warm familiariy of a common place over the rails....I understand, I really do. But this old soul is meant to fly in the steel bosom of an iron bird.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
The wind in my hair, the sun at my back, fresh air in my lungs and my treasures in a knap-sack. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
The tattoos, the hand-signs, the language, the feeling of familiarity and family. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
The food, the fresh mountain water, the arid desert wind, the bubbling Tommo Gravy. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
The dank smell of a comfortable old box-car, the warmth, a hint of old grain and molasses Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
A new bed every night, a new sunrise every morn'. Ah, yes, there's nothing like riding the rails.
To my Train Men brothers out there, I shall join you again soon--if only for a short visit. In the meantime, take this sentiment to heart:
Ah buckskin hard -t- ah malama day for the eighteenth double-toot pulling Aces all night long til the red red morning Sauce!
I have to think a few of you can understand such treasured old lingo!
To the rest of you, who prefer the warm familiariy of a common place over the rails....I understand, I really do. But this old soul is meant to fly in the steel bosom of an iron bird.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Don't Forget: Thursday is Share With a Vagrant Day!
It's been nearly four dozen years since famed hobo luminary East Texas Jon came across an elderly fellow transient in the city of Antioch, on the verge of death, weakly preparing for himself a shoe polish sandwich. ETJ, as he's now commonly known, was brought to tears by the sight. He spent the next month sharing with this poor soul a full half of his food, warmth, company and affection, nursing him back to health. That spring he taught him how to boil a fox belly before the two parted ways.
The date of that initial meeting was January 10, and it is a day that is very special to those in the vagrant community. In recent years, some have taken the whole week to celebrate the spirit of giving and brotherhood, strengthening those Five Pillars.
Should you happen to come across a fellow 'bo making himself a meager shoe polish sandwich...or perhaps having trouble lighting his fire, or finding clear water to drink, or is unable to locate a warm place to stay, or any other dire need...why not give him a hand? It is this spirit of unforced unity and brotherhood that helps keep us all afloat on this ever-shifting raft of life.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
The date of that initial meeting was January 10, and it is a day that is very special to those in the vagrant community. In recent years, some have taken the whole week to celebrate the spirit of giving and brotherhood, strengthening those Five Pillars.
Should you happen to come across a fellow 'bo making himself a meager shoe polish sandwich...or perhaps having trouble lighting his fire, or finding clear water to drink, or is unable to locate a warm place to stay, or any other dire need...why not give him a hand? It is this spirit of unforced unity and brotherhood that helps keep us all afloat on this ever-shifting raft of life.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
I Am Resolute! 10 Ways I'd Like to Keep The Flame in 2013...
Hello friends and readers, vagrants and carpet-walkers alike. I thank you for another impressive year of discussion, thought, travel and well-being. I greet this New-Year with resolution and forward-thought.
Why not e-mail me your own resolution in this New Year? The mail-bag is always open, friends.
Train Tom's 10 Resolutions for 2013:
10.) Update The Transient Way - A Hobo Blog more regularly. Our readership is increasing and interest is coming in from all angles. This makes my heart glad.
9.) Travel more. This may seem to go in contrast to Resolution #10, but really, in today's age, it does not. I can travel from place to place and still find a way to get on-line, be it at the local public or a community center. My foot has healed well and it is time for me to get back on the road. I've missed you, Lady Travel, ever so dearly.
8.) RIDE THE RAILS. An accouterment to Resolution #9. This former Train Man has not ridden on the bosom of an iron horse in near four years. I miss the wind in my hair and the sun shining bright overhead. 2013 will see my return to the tracks, believe you me.
7.) Render more wild game. Too much of my food has been processed by another in recent months, even years. It's high time for me to again master the skill of Forage, particularly in rendering my own dietary meat and grease. I've always enjoyed butchering, but takes time...not to mention the skill of the hunt. It's time to stop making excuses and enjoy the fruits of the wild once more.
6.) Meet someone new every day. This seems like an odd resolution for a man of the transient persuasion, but there are often days where I am my own company, lying close to the fire and not inviting social graces. Time spent alone can be a wonderful reprise, but time spent with others is heavenly.
5.) Invite more outside participation in The Transient Way - A Hobo Blog. By far the most-read articles on this site are the Questions of the Week and the Op-Ed pieces by guest essayists. Both of those require the utilization of outside thoughts. I resolve to incorporate ever more thoughts and opinions in this forum other than mine own.
4.) Bathe in a hot spring. For those of you who like to geo-track my progress around the nation, here's a head's up: I plan to spend a portion of 2013 down Arkansas way.
3.) See a white-tail Cottonal Dewee. It's one of the legendary beasts whose lore is passed down from one generation of vagrant to the next. A creature so rare that it's not ever been found, classified or studied by modern animal scientists, only observed by transients who have the closer relationship with nature. I saw a small gray-tailed one many years ago, but I'd love to see a full-size White. They are said to roam the high forests of the American Southeast, a mixture of deer and hare, with the face of a man frozen in death's scream.
4.) Brew some of my famous Pickle Brau and serve it to friends old and new.
3.) Find my old friend, Huckleberry Builder. Huck is a self-taught stone-mason, who builds his own remarkable additions to existing stone structures (usually old stone foundations in the woods). I was hoping this web-log would attract ol' Huck to contact me, but so far it has not. I do, however, have a tip on a structure he build some years ago, so I'm hoping to travel to that area to see if he's still in the vicinity.
2.) Find a recipe for a nice, therapeutic balm to help with muscle and joint aches.
1.) Convince my friend Gumball to author at least three to four essays throughout the year. He's a treasure, his essays always spark the greatest social media discussions and feedback to my e-mail bag. To be honest, he would be a better Hobo Blog moderator than I (although he has quite firmly rejected the notion a number of times). We all love hearing from Gumball, so my #1 Resolution for this new year is to continue to gently press him for more words of wisdom and encouragement. He's quite an amazing individual.
How about you, good friends and neighbors? What are your resolutions? Do any of them match mine? E-mail them in, friends. If I get a goodly amount of responses I will contribute a day's wordage to them.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
Why not e-mail me your own resolution in this New Year? The mail-bag is always open, friends.
Train Tom's 10 Resolutions for 2013:
10.) Update The Transient Way - A Hobo Blog more regularly. Our readership is increasing and interest is coming in from all angles. This makes my heart glad.
9.) Travel more. This may seem to go in contrast to Resolution #10, but really, in today's age, it does not. I can travel from place to place and still find a way to get on-line, be it at the local public or a community center. My foot has healed well and it is time for me to get back on the road. I've missed you, Lady Travel, ever so dearly.
8.) RIDE THE RAILS. An accouterment to Resolution #9. This former Train Man has not ridden on the bosom of an iron horse in near four years. I miss the wind in my hair and the sun shining bright overhead. 2013 will see my return to the tracks, believe you me.
7.) Render more wild game. Too much of my food has been processed by another in recent months, even years. It's high time for me to again master the skill of Forage, particularly in rendering my own dietary meat and grease. I've always enjoyed butchering, but takes time...not to mention the skill of the hunt. It's time to stop making excuses and enjoy the fruits of the wild once more.
6.) Meet someone new every day. This seems like an odd resolution for a man of the transient persuasion, but there are often days where I am my own company, lying close to the fire and not inviting social graces. Time spent alone can be a wonderful reprise, but time spent with others is heavenly.
5.) Invite more outside participation in The Transient Way - A Hobo Blog. By far the most-read articles on this site are the Questions of the Week and the Op-Ed pieces by guest essayists. Both of those require the utilization of outside thoughts. I resolve to incorporate ever more thoughts and opinions in this forum other than mine own.
4.) Bathe in a hot spring. For those of you who like to geo-track my progress around the nation, here's a head's up: I plan to spend a portion of 2013 down Arkansas way.
3.) See a white-tail Cottonal Dewee. It's one of the legendary beasts whose lore is passed down from one generation of vagrant to the next. A creature so rare that it's not ever been found, classified or studied by modern animal scientists, only observed by transients who have the closer relationship with nature. I saw a small gray-tailed one many years ago, but I'd love to see a full-size White. They are said to roam the high forests of the American Southeast, a mixture of deer and hare, with the face of a man frozen in death's scream.
4.) Brew some of my famous Pickle Brau and serve it to friends old and new.
3.) Find my old friend, Huckleberry Builder. Huck is a self-taught stone-mason, who builds his own remarkable additions to existing stone structures (usually old stone foundations in the woods). I was hoping this web-log would attract ol' Huck to contact me, but so far it has not. I do, however, have a tip on a structure he build some years ago, so I'm hoping to travel to that area to see if he's still in the vicinity.
2.) Find a recipe for a nice, therapeutic balm to help with muscle and joint aches.
1.) Convince my friend Gumball to author at least three to four essays throughout the year. He's a treasure, his essays always spark the greatest social media discussions and feedback to my e-mail bag. To be honest, he would be a better Hobo Blog moderator than I (although he has quite firmly rejected the notion a number of times). We all love hearing from Gumball, so my #1 Resolution for this new year is to continue to gently press him for more words of wisdom and encouragement. He's quite an amazing individual.
How about you, good friends and neighbors? What are your resolutions? Do any of them match mine? E-mail them in, friends. If I get a goodly amount of responses I will contribute a day's wordage to them.
In solidarity,
Train Tom
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