It's been nearly four dozen years since famed hobo luminary East Texas Jon came across an elderly fellow transient in the city of Antioch, on the verge of death, weakly preparing for himself a shoe polish sandwich. ETJ, as he's now commonly known, was brought to tears by the sight. He spent the next month sharing with this poor soul a full half of his food, warmth, company and affection, nursing him back to health. That spring he taught him how to boil a fox belly before the two parted ways.
The date of that initial meeting was January 10, and it is a day that is very special to those in the vagrant community. In recent years, some have taken the whole week to celebrate the spirit of giving and brotherhood, strengthening those Five Pillars.
Should you happen to come across a fellow 'bo making himself a meager shoe polish sandwich...or perhaps having trouble lighting his fire, or finding clear water to drink, or is unable to locate a warm place to stay, or any other dire need...why not give him a hand? It is this spirit of unforced unity and brotherhood that helps keep us all afloat on this ever-shifting raft of life.
In solidarity,
Train Tom